Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fast Start Not So Good

Today was to be 5 miles with speedwork. I started out on the treadmill with my warmup mile going at 3.9 mph. My next mile was to be at 4.2 mph, however, after a half mile I had to knock it back down to 3.8. My ambition to do the warmup mile faster came back to bite me and prevented me from doing the full mile at 4.2. My legs just could not keep up at the 4.2 rate today. I did a quarter mile at 3.8 then kicked it back up 4.2. I held it there for another quarter mile and then dropped back to 3.6 for the next half mile. Realizing my legs were not going to do 4.2 today I lowered my hi-end speed to 4.0 and managed to take this for the next mile, took a quarter mile break at 3.7 and then back to 4.0 to finish out my first four miles. After a brief two minute break to reset the treadmill (it's time limit is 1 hour plus a five minute cooldown) I was back up for the final mile, which I did at 3.8.

Looking back over today's and other previous workouts I am able to see the benefit to starting slow and then picking up the pace. In workouts I have done the slower start I seem to have less struggle with and feel as if I can continue further than what I set out for.

During today's workout I consumed two bottles of Propel (50 calories) and a packet of GU (100 calories). This time the GU was tri-berry flavored. It was not as bad as the banana-strawberry, I could have it again if need be, but I will pass when I have the option. Sunday I think I will give the orange flavored one a shot.


Tracie said...

You did a great job ensuring you finished the workout because I know there are several days when my legs feel like that on a workout where I find myself just wanting to skip the workout for that day and workout harder the next day. So way to stick with it!!

Unknown said...

I highly recommend "Chocolate Outrage" or "Espresso Love" Gu. "Vanilla" is disgusting and the tri-berri is worse.

I've experimented with Clif shot blocks too. They're ok, but they're very sweet.

SargeInNorman said...

It's funny you mention the chocolate and espresso ones. Those are my favorite. I tried the Lemon Sublime one tonight and it was not all that great.

Andria said...

The shot blocks are okay, but if you're not near water they kind of get stuck in your throat, and in your teeth, and on your tongue. Even so, I was glad I had em at Disney. Some of them contain caffeine though so watch out.