Sunday, February 17, 2008

95 Minutes to Nowhere

Getting caught up we are finally up to yesterday, Saturday. I moved up my long run this week by a day because of my schedule for next week. My long run concluding Week 4 was set for 5 miles. With inclement weather outside (35 degrees and rain with potential for icing) I took the workout indoors to the treadmill. In doing so there was no need for GARMIN. I also wanted to go a bit easier on the body with this run, one because I had not gone this long before, and two because the last two runs were outdoors on a lot of concrete sidewalk. Being inside on the treadmill I opted to use my older New Balance 475s instead of the new ASICS. To sum up the treadmill workout, I covered 5.45 miles in 95 minutes, including my cooldown of ten minutes, for an overall pace of 17:25. Going with some information I had read, a slower pace can help the body with energy management, I set the treadmill for 3.5 miles per hour. That is why it took longer to complete the workout. As with my road runs, I felt the tiredness in the begining 2-2.5 miles and then I was off to the races. A luxury of the treadmill is a place to hold a beverage. I took two bottles of Propel with me. I drank one and took a few sips of the second by the end of the workout. Half way through the run at 45 minutes I also tried for the first time a packet of Gu. According to the treadmill I had burned off almost 450 calories at that point, so replenishing 100 calories in the packet of Gu I figured would not be a bad thing. I tried the Banana-Strawberry. To sum it up, it was interesting. I do feel the Gu served its purpose however. Another luxury for me of going on the treadmill was being able to use my iPod. I do not use my iPod when I am out on the roadways, but in the fitness room, facing the door, I will listen to a mix of music I assembled for working out.

Aside from the runnings of this week, I have been reading a chapter a night from The Courage to Start. I also have been enjoying the daily quotes I have been receiving from Runner's World in my email I had signed up for on their website. Tomorrow is the start of a new week, Week 5. By week's end my mileage total will be up to 13. Tomorrow I have a short run in the plans for a total of 2 miles, with a five miler on Wednesday and a six miler on Friday. I do hope to get in a day of cross training, preferably on Sunday, doing the eliptical. I also hope to get a couple days of doing some upper body weights in. Any suggestions or comments are greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Andria said...

It is important to change up the workouts. A day of cross training is great and two days when you can fit it in is better. There's a great yoga podcast you should check out on itunes. It's called yogamazing. Don't be scared, yoga is great for running.

Also, I like that you switched up your pace. As you get further along, you'll be doing different types of runs. Right now you're focusing on milage, but soon you'll need to find out about speed work and tempo runs.

I'm jealous of your Garmin.